Effective. Enduring.

Processing of Reactive Plastic System

Developing process technology for sealing, casting, and bonding single-, dual-, and multi-component reactive plastic systems is the core competence of RAMPF Production Systems.

We specialize in

  • Project planning for customer-specific production systems with integrated dispensing processes
  • Manufacturing turnkey production systems with a standardized user interface and integrated measuring and data management
  • Global service support through our own branches and partners

Our customer-specific solutions include integrating both surface activation processes as well as testing and measuring technology to safeguard production processes.

Together we will find the best solution for your application. Why? Because of the comprehensive application experience we have gathered from the implementation of over 3,000 projects across the globe.

Your advantages

  • Reliable production thanks to standardized process engineering – integrated into a complete solution
  • Cutting-edge HMI architecture for safe operation and transparent process statuses
  • Flexible production systems for easy product changes


Sealing involves applying elastomers to level or curved surfaces. After curing, a tight, elastic seal adheres to the component, providing static protection against liquids.


Multi-axis robots apply foam sealants to level and curved surfaces. After curing, a seamless seal is bonded to the component that provides static protection against dust and moisture. The seals can also be  manufactured in molds.

Casting under atmosphere

Casting without process forces is a stress-free way of providing lasting protection for sensitive electronic assemblies. Casting materials based on polyurethane, silicone, or epoxy resin are used to embed the components. With casting processes (single- or multi-step) designed by RAMPF, parts are produced that are reliably protected from contact, moisture, and damage.

Casting under vacuum

Components with windings, narrow gaps, or shapes that are difficult to vent can be cast without air bubbles under vacuum. This facilitates the manufacture of products that meet high insulation requirements and guarantees their long-lasting performance, also in extreme conditions. Furthermore, the vacuum technology enables the manufacture of optically transparent connections for the production of displays (Optical Bonding).


Accurate dispensing of reactive, thermally or electrically conductive polymers for conducting heat or electricity. The highly filled materials require low-wear dispensing systems to ensure precise dispensing in the long term.


We process all kinds of multi-component adhesives into precisely reactive products and apply these to the joints after first activating the latter. The joining process can be manual or automated. The crosslinking process occurs under defined conditions.

Dispensing Systems for Thermal Conductive Materials

Casting systems based on epoxy, silicone, and polyurethane all serve different purposes in the electronics industry. Resin encapsulates protect sensitive electronic components from contact, dust, and moisture, and manufacturers  put in different fillers and additives to custom-fit the materials to meet customer requirements. The additives, and especially their distribution within the components that are being dispensed, place particularly high demands on the pumping system. This is why selecting the proper dispensing pump has such a decisive influence on process reliability.

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